Friday, October 1, 2010


1.In Pheretima spermathecal openings are located in
1) Ventro lateral sides of 6, 7, 8 and 9 segments
2) Dorsolateral sides of 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 and 8/9 segmental grooves
3) Ventro lateral sides of 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 and 8/9 segmental grooves
4) Dorsal surface of 6, 7, 8 and 9 segments
2.Lymph glands in Pheretima are present in segments
1) 25th to last 2) 26th to last 3) 27th to last 4) 28th to last
3.Observe the statements of Pheretima
I) Retracting and protruding of buccal chamber occurs to ingest food
II) Gizzard acts as grinding and filtering apparatus
III) Intestinal caecae attached to intestine in typhlosolar region
IV) Pharynx acts as suction pump
Correct statements are
1) I, II & IV 2) I & IV 3) II, III & IV 4) II & III
4.Assertion (A) :Chlorogogen cells are structurally similar to liver cells of vertebrates.
Reason (R) : Chlorogogen cells control deamination and intermediary metabolism.
1) both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2) both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
5.Blood glands of earthworm are located in segments where the following structures are also located
1) Pharynx 2) Septal nephredia
3) Forests of nephredia 4) Pharyngeal nephredia
6.Silicates consumed along with food by earthworm are excreted by
1) Circular cells 2) Mucocytes 3) Phagocytes 4) Chlorogogen cells
7. Septa of Pheretima which are complete partitions and oblique are located between the segments
1) 4/5 to 13/14 2) 4/5 to 10/11 3) 4/5 to 11/12 4) 4/5 to 12/13
8.Observe the following statements related to body wall of Pheretima.
I) Circular muscles arranged in the form of bundles
II) Retractor muscles contract when segments of the region become thin and long
III) Cuticle is cellular layer formed of mucopoly saccharides, collagin etc.
IV) Most numerous cells of epidermis are supporting cells
Correct statements are
1) I, II & IV 2) II, III & IV 3) I, II & III 4) II & IV
9.Arrange the structures of Pheretima from anterior to posterior in proper sequence
A) Genital papillae B) Spermathecae
C) Female genital apertue D) Pharyngeal nephredia
1) A  D  B  C 2) D  B  C  A 3) C  A  B  D 4) D  B  A  C
10.Which of the following is not a part of pharyngeal bulb?
1) Chromophil cells 2) Ciliated epithelium 3) Musculovascular 4) Conducting chamber
11.Study the following cells of Pheretima and choose correct combination.
Type of cells Function
a) Mucocytes 1)Largest and numerous cells of coelom
b) Yellow cells 2)Most numerous of epiderm
c) Phagocytes 3)Smallest cells of epidermis
d) Basal cells 4)Glycogenesis
5)Elongated cells of coelom
1) a – 5, b – 4, c – 1, d – 3 2) a – 5, b – 4, c – 1, d – 2
3) a – 1, b – 3, c – 2, d – 4 4) a – 3, b – 5, c – 4, d – 1
12.Find the properly matched combination with reference to earthworm.
Structure Segments Function
I) Gizzard 8th Grinding food
II) Cingulum 14-16 Formation cocoon
III) Typhlosolar region 26th to 23 to 25th from last Digestion of food
IV) Post typhlosolar region Last 23 or 25 segments Reabsorption of water
1) I, II and III 2) I, II and IV 3) II, III and IV 4) III and IV

13. One of the following is not a function of coelom of earth worm
1) Excretory wastes collected are expelled 2) Facilitates exchange of gases
3) Kills bacteria 4) Absorption of food material
14. Assertion (A) : Earthworm can move on smooth surface.
Reason (R) : Setae provide anchorage during locomotion of earthworm.
1) both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2) both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
15. Satae of earthworm are made up of
1) Collagen 2) Gelatin 3) Chitin 4) Mucopolysaccharides
16. Proteolysins are produced in earthworm by
1) Buccal chamber and pretyphlosolar region 2) Pharynx and Gizzard
3) Buccal chamber and stomach 4) Pharynx and stomach
17. First perforated septum of Pheretima is present between
1) 11/12 2) 12/13 3) 13/14 4) 14/15
18. Primordial germ cells and septa of Pheretima are derived from
1) Visceral layer 2) Parietal layer 3) Endoderm 4) Ectoderm
19. The urea filled cells of earthworm which are ingested by amoebocytes are
1) Enocytes 2) Mucocytes 3) Eleocytes 4) Circular cells
20. Longest earthworm is
1) Drawida grandis 2) Chaetogaster annandalei
3) Megascolides australis 4) Pheretima posthuma
21. Earthworm is protected from U.V. radiation by
1) Melanin 2) Haemoglobin 3) Cuticle 4) Porphyrin
22. Digestive juice secreted by earthworm is compared with the following digestive juice of vertebrates
1) Bile 2) Pancreatic 3) Intestinal 4) Gastric
23. Innermost layer of alimentary canal of Pheretima
1) Parietal layer 2) Visceral layer 3) Circular muscle layer 4) Endodermal layer
24. Longest region of intestine of Pheretima
1) Pretyphlosolar 2) Typhlosolar
3) Post typhlosolar 4) Both clitellar and preclitellar
25. Unpaired aperture of Pheretima
1) Male genital 2) Nephrediopore 3) Female genital 4) Sperma thecal openings
26. In Pheretima, commissural vessels supply blood to
1) Septal nephredia 2) Reproductive organs 3) Intestine 4) Body wall
27. Study the following and choose correct combination.
Blood vessels Segments Functions
I) Ring vessels 10th to 13th segments Direct blood from supra oesophageal to lateral oesophageal blood vessels
II) Anterior loops 10th and 11th Two pairs in each segment connecting supra oesophageal with lateral oesophageals
III) Septo nephredial From 14th to last Supplies blood to septal nephredia
IV) Subneural 14th to last Collecting vessel
1) I and III 2) II and IV 3) III and IV 4) II, III and IV
28. Following are the blood vessels in Pheretima
a) Internal plexus b) Dorsal blood vessel c) Ventro intestinal
d) External plexus e) Intestine
Arrange them in the sequence of supply and collection.
1) b  a  e  d  c 2) c  d  e  a  b 3) c b  e  a  d 4) b  a  d  c  e
29. Number of pairs of valves in each lateral oesophageal heart of Pheretima in
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
30. Number ring vessels in each of 11th and 12th segments
1) 12 2) 12 pairs 3) 24 4) 24 pairs
31. Shortest longitudinal blood vessel is
1) Lateral oesophageal 2) Supra-oesophageal 3) Anterior loops 4) Ring vessels
32. Number of blood vessels that interconnected dorsal and ventral blood vessels
1) 2 pairs 2) 4 pairs in each segment
3) 4 pairs 4) 6 pairs of Pheretima
33. Arrange the blood vessels of Pheretima in sequence.
A) Pharynx and pharyngeal nephredia B) Ventral blood vessel
C) Dorsal blood vessel D) Supraoesophageal E) Lateral oesophageal Blood vessel
F) Lateral oesophageal hearts
1) E  F  A  D  B  C 2) C  D  A  F  E  B
3) B  A  F  C  D  E 4) C  A  E  D  F  B
34. Function of red coloured bodies found in 4, 5, 6 segments of earthworm
1) Excretion 2) Secretion 3) Digestion 4) Storage of fat
35. Arrange the constituents of vermicompost in ascending order.
A) Phosphorous B) Nitrogen C) Proteins and micronutrients
1) B  A  C 2) C  A  B 3) B  C  A 4) C  B  A
36. Locomotion in earthworm is brought about by
1) Setae & Parapodia 2) Setae & muscles
3) Setae, coelomic fluid and muscles 4) Setae only
37. Non-valvular and non contractile distributing blood vessel in Pheretima is
1) Dorsal blood vessels 2) Ventral blood vessel
3) Lateral oesophageal vessel 4) Supraoesophageal vessel
38. Commissural blood vessel doesnot collect blood from
1) Body wall 2) Reproductive organs 3) Nephredia 4) Intestine
39. Observe statements related to circulatory system of Pheretima and identify correct statements.
I) Septo nephredial arises from ventro tegumentary vessel from 14th segment onwards
II) There are 4 pairs of valves in each of lateral oesophageal hearts and 3 pairs of valves in lateral hearts
III) Dorso intestinal vessels contain digested food material
1) I, II and III 2) II and III 3) I and III 4) I and II
40. Assertion (A) : Blood of earthworm transports CO2 but not O2.
Reason (R) : Haemoglobin is present in dissolved state in plasma of Pheretima.
1) both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2) both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3) (A) is true but (R) is false 4) (A) is false but (R) is true
41. The youngest segment in earthworm is
1) Peristomium 2) Prostomium 3) Pygidium 4) Pre anal segment
42. In a T.S of Pheretima following structures are observed.
A) subneural blood vessel B) Supra intestinal excretory canal
C) Ventral blood vessel D) Nerve cord
Arrange them from dorsal to ventral.
1) B  A  C  D 2) B  C  D  A 3) B  D  A  C 4) C  A  B  D
43. From 14th segment onwards in Pheretima, dorsal blood vessel receives
1) Dorso intestinal 2) commissural
3) Dorso intestinal and commissural 4) Ring vessels and dorso intestinals
44. Match the following aspects of Pheretima.
Structures Significancea) Prostomium 1) Absence of setae
b) Peristomium 2) Absence of Nephrediopores
c) 12/13 groove 3) Absence of coelom
d) 9/10 segments 4) First dorsal pore
e) Prostomium and pygidium 5)Absence of septum
6) First true segment
1) a – 6, b – 4, c – 1, d – 2, e – 3 2) a – 3, b – 6, c – 4, d – 5, e – 1
3) a – 6, b – 3, c – 4, d – 5, e – 1 4) a – 2, b – 4, c – 3, d – 1, e – 5
45.Intestinaljuice of Pheretima is similar to
1) Gastric juice 2) Bile juice 3) Pancreatic juice 4)Saliva

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