Friday, July 15, 2011

1. Birds are called glorified reptiles by
  1. Young  2. Huxley  3. Andreas Wagner  4. Hyman
2. Type of vertebrae and skull in birds are respectively
  1. heterocoelous & monocondylic  2. heterocoelous & dicondylic
  3. procoelous & monocondylic  4.procoelous& dicondylic
3. Hind limbs of birds are not useful in
  1. bearing the weight & capturing the food 2. capturing the food & swimming in water
  3. swimming in water & perching on land  4. flying in air & reducing the body weight
4. Structures absent in kiwi are
 1. wings and remiges  2. rectrises and olfactory sense
 3. remiges and olfactory sense  4. rectrises and pecten
5. A: Urinary bladder is absent in birds
 R: Birds are uricotelic.
 1. Both A & R are correct, R is the correct explanation to A
 2. Both A & R are correct, R is not the correct explanation to A
 3. A is true, R is the false  4. R is true, A is the false
6. Incorrect statement about feathers
 1. arrangement is called pterylation    2. these are the only exoskeletal structures in birds
 3. pterylae are irregular in ratitae but regular in carinatae 4. feathery tracts are called pterylae but feather less tracts are called apteria
7. Birds are described as ‘masters of air’ by
 1. Young  2. Huxley  3. Lamarck  4. Linnaeus
8. Arrange the following structures in quill feather on one above the other
 a.barbs  b. barbicels c. rachis  d. barbules
 1. c-a-b-d 2. c-a-d-b 3. c-d-a-b 4. a-c-d-b
9. Vertebrae in birds never participate in the formation of synsacrum are
 1. cervical  2. thorasic  3. lumbar  4. sacral
10. Penguins belong to the super order
 1. Archaeornithes 2 .Neornithes  3. Impennae 4. Ratitae
11. Flightless bird with preen gland but with poorly developed olfactory sense is
 1. Kiwi  2. Tinamus 3. Rhea  4. Struthio
12. Birds are evolved during the period
 1. Triassic  2. Jurassic 3. Cretaceous 4. Carboniferous
13. Incorrect in the following
 1. wooly feathers – down feathers 2. feathers provide excellent insulation – down feathers
 3. tuft of small feathers - after shaft  4. sparcely distributed feathers – quill feathers
14. Structures which help to maintain the shape of the eye in birds are
 1. pecten 2. nictitating membrane    3. sclerotic plates  4. eye lids
15. Match the following and choose the correct combination
     Bird  Distribution
 A. Casuarius 1. Mexican terrestrial
 B. Tinamus 2. Australia, New Guinea
 C. Emu 3. Plains of South America
 D. Rhea 4. Arid regions of Africa and
 E. Struthio 5. Sandy plain or open
  forests of Australia
  1. A-2, B-1, C-5, D-4, E-3  2. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4, E-5
 3. A-2, B-1, C-5, D-3, E-4  4. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5
16. Read the following about birds and choose the correct combination
 I. larynx is at the anterior end and syrinx is at the posterior end of trachea
 II. two pairs of abominal air sacs are present
 III. lungs are spongy with nine air sacs
 1. all are true   2. all except II are true 3. all, except I are true   4. all except III are true
17. Incorrect statement about quill feathers is
 1. Its expanded portion is vane or vexillum 2. Hollow proximal part of the axis is called calamus or quill
 3. Superior umbilicus is between quill and rachis 4. After shaft is near the inferior umbilicus
18. Find the mismatch
 1. jackans penguin – Spheniscus 2. blue jay – Coracious bengalensis
 3. humming bird – Archiochus  4. alpine swift – Eudynamus
19. Find the mismatch
 1. jackans penguin – Spheniscus  2. blue jay – Coracious bengalensis
 3. humming bird – Archiochus  4. alpine swift – Eudynamus
20.    Following are the statements about birds:
A) Female birds are with a pair of functional ovaries. 
B) Cleavage is meroblastic   C)  Eggs are megalecithal 
1) A and B are true  2) B and C are true  3) A and C are true  4) A, B and C are true
21.    Smallest living flightless bird with a keen sense of smell is
1) Dromaeus  2) Casuarius  3) Apteryx  4) Tinamus
22.   Flightless bird with oil gland is
1) Emu  2) Cassowary  3) Tinamou  4) American ostrich
23.  Which of the following character is not seen in birds?
1) Four chambered heart      2) Sinus venosus is absent
3) Truncus arteriosus is absent  4) Developed renal portal system
24.   Feathers known to cover the newly hatched birds and provide insulation are
1) Quill feathers  2) Counter feathers  3) Down feathers  4) Filopumes
 25.  Birds became modernised in the period
1) Carboniferous period  2) Jurassic period  3) Triassic period  4) Cretaceous period

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